DBus Interfaces

Banshee exposes a lot of functionality through D-Bus interfaces, which you can use to make you own software interact with Banshee.

In addition to the interfaces listed below, Banshee also supports the MPRIS D-Bus Interface Specification, which provides a common programmatic API for controlling media players.


public interface ITrackInfo : IBasicTrackInfo
    string DisplayArtistName { get; }
    string DisplayAlbumTitle { get; }
    string DisplayTrackTitle { get; }
    string DisplayGenre { get; }
    int TrackNumber { get; }
    int TrackCount { get; }
    int Year { get; }
    int Rating { get; }


public delegate void PlaybackControllerStoppedHandler ();

[Interface ("org.bansheeproject.Banshee.PlaybackController")]
public interface IPlaybackControllerService : IDBusExportable
    // FIXME: IPlaybackControllerExportable : IPlaybackController
    // but DBus-Sharp has a design flaw where it only exports 
    // members of the top level interface where the [Interface] 
    // attribute is applied
    event PlaybackControllerStoppedHandler Stopped;
    void First ();
    void Next (bool restart);
    void Previous (bool restart);
    PlaybackShuffleMode ShuffleMode { get; set; }
    PlaybackRepeatMode RepeatMode { get; set; }
    bool StopWhenFinished { get; set; }


public delegate void SaveToXmlFinishedHandler (bool success, string path);

[Interface ("org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer.Indexer")]
public interface ICollectionIndexer : IService, IDBusExportable
    event Hyena.Action IndexingFinished;
    event SaveToXmlFinishedHandler SaveToXmlFinished;
    void Index ();
    void Dispose ();
    void SetExportFields (string [] fields);
    int GetModelCounts ();
    int GetModelResultsCount (int modelIndex);
    IDictionary<string, object> GetResult (int modelIndex, int itemIndex);
    void SaveToXml (string path);


[Interface ("org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer.Client")]
public interface IIndexerClient : IDBusExportable
    void Hello ();
    void RebootWhenFinished (string [] args);


[Interface ("org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer.Service")]
public interface ICollectionIndexerService : IService, IDBusExportable
    event Hyena.Action CollectionChanged;
    event Hyena.Action CleanupAndShutdown;
    void Hello ();
    void Shutdown ();
    ObjectPath CreateIndexer ();
    string [] GetAvailableExportFields ();
    bool HasCollectionChanged (int count, long time);


public interface IPlayerEngineService : IDBusExportable
    event DBusPlayerEventHandler EventChanged;
    event DBusPlayerStateHandler StateChanged;

    void Open (string uri);
    void Close ();
    void Pause ();
    void Play ();
    void TogglePlaying ();
    IDictionary<string, object> CurrentTrack { get; }
    string CurrentUri { get; }
    string CurrentState { get; }
    string LastState { get; }

    ushort Volume { get; set; }
    uint Position { get; set; }
    bool CanSeek { get; }
    bool CanPause { get; }
    uint Length { get; }


public interface IExportableModel
    int GetLength();
    IDictionary<string, object> GetMetadata(int index);


public delegate void DBusCommandHandler (string argument, object value, bool isFile);

[Interface ("org.bansheeproject.Banshee.CommandService")]
public class DBusCommandService : MarshalByRefObject, IDBusExportable
    public event DBusCommandHandler ArgumentPushed;
    public DBusCommandService ()
    public void PushArgument (string argument, object value)
        OnArgumentPushed (argument, value, false);
    public void PushFile (string file)
        OnArgumentPushed (file, String.Empty, true);
    private void OnArgumentPushed (string argument, object value, bool isFile)
        DBusCommandHandler handler = ArgumentPushed;
        if (handler != null) {
            handler (argument, value, isFile);
    IDBusExportable IDBusExportable.Parent {
        get { return null; }
    string IService.ServiceName {
        get { return "DBusCommandService"; }


public interface ISourceManager : IDBusExportable
    //event SourceEventHandler SourceUpdated; 
    ISource ActiveSource { get; set; }
    ISource DefaultSource { get; }
    string [] Sources { get; }


[Interface ("org.bansheeproject.Banshee.ClientWindow")]
public interface IClientWindow : IDBusExportable
    void Present ();
    void Hide ();

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